NBC: LaRouche is conservative

NBC Nightly News, in a recent piece insinuating that health care protesters are somehow sinister (headline: “Healthy Debate?”), used a follower of Lyndon LaRouche as an example of a conservative critic inspired by Rush Limbaugh:

Much of the passion and protest comes from conservative voices opposed to the Democrats’ plan for a goverment-run option for health care. [Image of a poster showing Barack Obama photoshopped with Hitler mustache.] Some anger on display gets stoked by the provocative megaphone of Rush Limbaugh.

It’s not easy to see on television, but the bottom of the poster makes clear its provenance. At the bottom of the poster is the inscription “LAROUCHEPAC.COM”.

Needless to say, Lyndon LaRouche is no conservative. LaRouche is an eccentric, extreme socialist, ostracised even by the Democratic party that he claims membership in. Just as needless to say, NBC News is not unaware of this.

So why did NBC try to pass a LaRouchite off as a conservative dittohead? Did they really fail to read the poster they were putting on the air? Unlikely. More likely, they thought it would feed their narrative, and no one would notice.

2 Responses to NBC: LaRouche is conservative

  1. goldenae says:

    If you are claiming LaRouche is left, he must be so far left that he is right because most of what I have seen him say recently is anti-Democratic Party and anti-Obama. It may not be accurate to label him left or right, but it is hard to see how what he is saying now makes him “left”.

  2. K. Crary says:

    He claims not to be a Communist any more, but his agenda (if it doesn’t demean the word too much to apply it to LaRouche) is still largely of the left. Certainly he is a statist. Mostly he’s just crazy.

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