Chavez seeks to stay in office

The least surprising story of the day:

President Hugo Chavez asked supporters to propose a constitutional reform that would allow him to seek indefinite re-election and govern through 2019, giving him more time to build a socialist economy in Venezuela.

On the other hand, this is a little interesting:

Chavez also threatened Sunday to expel Colombia’s top diplomat in Maracaibo, Venezuela’s second largest city, after he privately welcomed opposition victories in five key races during last week’s gubernatorial and municipal elections.

In a private telephone conversation apparently recorded by Venezuelan intelligence agents, Carlos Galvis called the opposition’s gains “very good news.” The recording was then broadcast on state television by talk show host Alberto Noria.

It’s not surprising that Venezuela is spying on Colombian diplomats, but it is a little surprising that they would broadcast the proceeds on television.  It’s surprising, not because it causes an international incident (Chavez seems to love those), but because it probably compromised a Venezuelan intelligence capability.  Why would he do that?  It sounds a little like desperation, but I wouldn’t have thought that Chavez was there yet.

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