The reality-based community

It’s always depressing to see the results when someone polls the public on matters of fact, as one invariably finds that the public is clueless. Still, Zogby’s scientific poll (pdf) of Obama voters (commissioned by How Obama Got Elected, an anti-Obama web site) is somewhat interesting, not because Obama voters got the answers wrong (which one tends to expect), but how they got them wrong.

It’s interesting because anti-McCain information (and pseudo-information) penetrated effectively even when they were not featured in advertising, but the anti-Obama information penetrated only when it was featured in McCain advertising. For instance, questions about Sarah Palin’s family and wardrobe were answered fairly accurately, but almost no one knew that Obama said his policies would cause energy rates to skyrocket. (In fact, more thought McCain said that than Obama.) They were able to answer that Obama says government should redistribute wealth, which appeared prominently in McCain advertising.

In short, the media seems to have done its job as it sees it (that is, to boost Obama) very well.

(Via Power Line.)

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