Fake caption on AFP photo

Confederate Yankee spots a fake caption on an AFP photo. (Via Instapundit.)

I have to add that it is instantly obvious to anyone who has served in the military that those soldiers aren’t securing anything. The brightly colored blank firing adapters screwed into the end of the barrels are a dead giveaway that this is a training exercise. Also, the woodland camouflage makes it just as obvious that this isn’t Iraq, and is probably North America or Europe. (Romania, it turns out.)

This could never have happened if they had a single person with military experience glancing at their photos.

BONUS: The fake caption cribbed most of a sentence from the real one. Before:

US soldiers secure the area at a new installed check-point at Babadag training facility in the county of Tulcea, during a joint task force-east rotation 2008 training exercise . . .


US soldiers secure the area at a newly installed check-point at the Babadag training facility in Tulcea, Iraq.

This is fraud, not just a stupid mistake.

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